Thursday, 19 March 2015

Dear Papa

Dear Papa 

On Monday the 2nd of march 2015, i was going out hunting for some nuts at 6:30am in the morning i was walking along the grass, until i heard the leafs on the tree weaving around fast in seconds, so i looked side to side nothing was there so i look up and i saw this very huge bird that looks like an owl so i looked really steady and it was an eagle, i was really scared, the eagle was starting at me like i was his dinner for tonight, so ran as fast as i can across the leafs i stopped he was not  following me so i turned around really slow still not there so i look side to side still not there i look behind me there he was! i froze and turned around and started to ran super fast and after a few minutes later i stopped again to feel the wind it was going right so i ran that way so the leafs were blowing every where so he will not see me,he was still following i ran up and-hid in the hole that was in the tree it didn't fit in the hole so it flyed away and it never came back but i am OK now.
Image result for eagle

From your baby daughter Jessica. 

Thursday, 12 March 2015

green poem

Green is the feel of the sparky up grass.
Image result for colour greenGreen is the sound of a big green tick.
Green is the taste of kiwi fruit dripping down my chin.
Green is the sound of the leafs waving in the wind.
Green is the lime taste of a ice block.
Green is the smell of nail ploshie on a girly girl night.
Green is the feel of goo getting stuck between your twos.                      

Friday, 6 March 2015

Welcome to Jessicas wonderful blog!

My favorite animal is a baby brown mice or rat.
I live with 4 cats and 1 big black dog.
My name is Jessica Stechmann

Image result for name jessica in fancy letters        Image result for 4 cats sitting together       

Image result for black dog         Image result for CUTE BABY BROWN MICE AND RAT